Foster Care & Youth Offending - A Review of the Evidence
A Report to the Henwood Trust Published June 2009
This publication arose from the need for continuity of quality care provided to children and young people, particularly in terms of foster care. The question was: Is there a link between foster care and offending, and if so what does it look like? In response, the Henwood Trust commissioned this review
Effective programmes for youth at risk of continued and serious offending
Something to do, someone to love, something to hope for.
A report to the Henwood Trust published February 2011.
Dr Gabrielle Maxwell and Professor Peter Marsh have taken a fresh look at the 2004 edition of this work for the Henwood Trust. Its purpose is to strengthen the community of providers working with young offenders and provide some practical tools for evaluating programmes.
This publication is now available by mail (contact us) or can be downloaded here.
"New Zealand's Gift to the World" - The Youth Justice Family Group Conference
Listen to Judge Carolyn Henwood discuss the book on Radio NZ Sunday programme